Exorcism 8 Week Package
Extracting an evil attack, spirits, and pests on an individual.
Service Description
Price breakdown (all paid for upfront): Client Intake: 60-90 min (waved) Exorcism day: 3 hours $997.50 Soul Retrieval and Psychic Surgery: $315 6 days of counseling, check up, healing at a session: $1,005 Access to texting so I am on call: waved Deviation from his instructions stops treatment without refund: Example of Care: Pre-day - you will have instructions on cleansing the house and where to be in your house, we will walk through symptoms, and I will send a voice recording the night before on what is going on with the spirit. I wait until the night before because it is important for it to know very little about me coming. Exorcism: non-violent spirit removal - attach to object Day 2: environment adjustment meeting and check in Day 3: physical body health analysis and treatment, plus energy sewing Day 4: check in progress for environmental changes, social analysis and plan for needed adjustments Day 5: shadows that need addressing, major cleaning and protecting (this is usually when something tries to come back in) Day 6: future plans, check in, dealing with paranoia, patch up healing, check in with health plan up to this point, if second exorcism is needed because patient has not made environmental, social, and other changes, do here Day 7: set up long term goals, knowing you were spiritually victimized so that you continue a healthy life. Not being conscious forward leaves for future victimhood. It’s vastly important to have the skills yourself to deal with your future. The longest each day apart should be one week. Soul Extraction Soul extraction literally involves the shaman entering the spirit world and examining the patient’s soul for entities that may have intruded and may be having a negative effect. This method involves the shaman extracting any evil being or entity present within the patient’s soul. The evil in the soul may be due to someone who has attempted to harm or even kill the individual. Such attacks manifests in the form of chronic pain and illness with no visible causes. However, the shaman normally saves the patient by removing the evil that is hurting their soul. Aly determines if you need an exorcism with a combination of reading how many entities are with you and symptoms.
Cancellation Policy
It’s simple: if you cancel with less than one day, you lose the session . If you cancel with more than one days notice, you need to reschedule your session into our calendar within one week of cancellation this new session can be in as far in the future as you like
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