Exorcism (spirit extraction)
Extracting an evil spirits, and pests from an individual. 3 sessions (first booking is for intake)
Service Description
Includes three appointments: Client Intake: 60-180 minutes. Exorcism day: 3 hour window held for extraction. Soul Retrieval & After Healing Aly suggests that after your extraction, that you seek counseling to manage the trauma of spiritual infiltration. You will be given instructions after the exorcism in order to prevent another from coming in or getting another. I am not responsible for another spirit coming after I pull the spirit out. Additional removals are new appointments. Example of Care: Pre-day - you will have instructions on cleansing the house and where to be in your house, we will walk through symptoms, and I will send a voice recording the night before on what is going on with the spirit. I wait until the night before because it is important for it to know very little about me coming. Exorcism: non-violent spirit removal - attach to object Soul Extraction Soul extraction literally involves the shaman entering the spirit world and examining the patient’s soul for entities that may have intruded and may be having a negative effect. This method involves the shaman extracting any evil being or entity present within the patient’s soul. The evil in the soul may be due to someone who has attempted to harm or even kill the individual. Such attacks manifests in the form of chronic pain and illness with no visible causes. However, the shaman normally saves the patient by removing the evil that is hurting their soul like a zoologist removes a lion from your home. You will be given instructions as to what you need to do for the day of the exorcism. For most patients, if you follow the instructions, everything will be calm and easy. If you follow the after care protocols, you will also not have a return visit. You may need a soul retrieval afterwards if the spirit has attached to you because you have an opening in your soul for it to live in. A soul retrieval puts you back together so a spirit cannot live in that space where the soul shard is missing. If Aly determines you do not need an exorcism, you will be refunded $600. How does Aly determine? Every entity has an energetic signature and from the intake. Every item in our plane has a living energy through it. If there are more than one (meaning more than you alone) there is a spirit. However, if you are so broken that you yourself is undetectable that the spirit is the sole energy, Aly still needs to do an exorcism.
Cancellation Policy
It’s simple: if you cancel with less than one day, you lose the session . If you cancel with more than one days notice, you need to reschedule your session into our calendar within one week of cancellation this new session can be in as far in the future as you like
Contact Details